The Kaléo Program was a year for me to intentionally step back from the world adn focus on my relationship with God. This year gave me clarifty on what God's will is for my life. To live him and walk with him.
Gen Smith Class of 2017
This is such a special place and a special experience, and God has changed me through it. I have grown spiritually and I think I have just become a lot more mature in how I think and how I act.
Peyton Arnold Class of 2017
It was amazing, and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.
Tyler Wills Class of 2017
The past year has opened doors for me to learn about more about my Creator; to step into the heart of God through hiking trips, kayaking trips and crabbing in the Pacific Ocean; and to live amongst my friends, giving and receiving vulnerability.
Zoe Gallan Class of 2022
I'm so grateful to God for this community, that loved, encourages, and supports each other! I can say that in the future, I will look back on this year as being one of the most foundational in my Christian walk.
Jared Bayley Class of 2017
I cherish the lifetime friendships I have and for everyone who has poured into my life. Honestly, nothing could ever buy the love, experiences, and opportunities I have been provided here.
Virginia Flair Class of 2017
I am so thankful for this community because they changed my life and really showed me that no matter the distance we are still family.
Caleb Smith Class of 2017
I enjoyed this foundational year, gaining a new understanding of my faith and developing as a disciple, growing in leadership and being prepared to go out into the world to be a servant that is continually furthering the kingdom.
Tori Baynton Class of 2017
To take time away from distraction, focus on growing in ministry, community, leadership, academics you experience God in a whole new way! This program helps you to be intentional with the rest of your life.
Rachael Allen Class of 2013
Kaléo is about seeing each student advance in their faith while creating lasting friendships, experiencing new things and exploring God's creation. At Kaléo, I learned what it means to genuinely live a life worthy of the calling I have received.